What is kidney cancer? What are the symptoms and treatment methods?
Kidneys, one of the most important organs of the body, ensure the excretion of metabolic wastes such as uric acid, creatinine and urea from the body through urine. It also helps distribute minerals such as salt, potassium, magnesium and essential body components such as glucose, protein and water to the body tissues in a balanced manner. When blood pressure drops or the amount of sodium in the blood decreases, renin is secreted from the kidney cells, and when the amount of oxygen in the blood decreases, hormones called erythroprotein are secreted. While the kidneys regulate blood pressure with the renin hormone, they support blood cell production by stimulating the bone marrow with the erythroprotein hormone. Kidneys, which enable more efficient use of vitamin D taken into the body, play an important role in bone and tooth development.
What is kidney cancer?
Kidney cancer is divided into two: cancer that occurs in the part of the kidney that produces urine and in the part of the pool where urine is collected. CA tests are performed to diagnose kidney cancer. So what is CA? CA, a test method used to detect the presence of cancer cells, is used to measure the level of antigen in the blood. Any problem in the immune system increases the amount of antigen in the blood. In case of elevated antigen, the presence of cancer cells can be mentioned.
What is kidney parenchymal disease?
Renal parenchymal disease, also known as renal parenchymal cancer, which is more common in adults, is defined as abnormal cell proliferation in the part of the kidney that produces urine. Parenchymal disease can also trigger other kidney diseases.
Kidney collecting system cancer: Pelvis renalis tumor
Pelvis renalis tumor, which is a less common type of cancer than renal parenchymal disease, occurs in the ureter region. So, what is a ureter? It is a tubular structure located between the kidney and the bladder and consisting of muscle fibers 25-30 centimeters long. Abnormal cell proliferations occurring in this area are called pelvis renalis tumor.
Causes of kidney cancer
Although the causes of kidney tumor formation are not fully known, some risk factors may trigger cancer formation.
- As with all types of cancer, one of the biggest factors that triggers the formation of kidney cancer is smoking.
- Excess weight increases cancer cell formation. Excessive fat in the body, which causes disorders in kidney functions, increases the risk of kidney cancer.
- Long-lasting high blood pressure,
- Chronic renal failure disease,
- Genetic predisposition, congenital horseshoe kidney, polycystic kidney diseases and von Hippel-Lindau syndrome, which is a systemic disease,
- Long-term use of medication, especially painkillers.
Kidney cancer symptoms
- Changes in urine color due to blood in the urine, dark colored urine, dark red or rust colored urine,
- Right kidney pain, persistent pain on the right or left side of the body,
- On palpation, there is a kidney mass, a mass in the abdominal area,
- Weight loss and loss of appetite,
- High fever,
- Extreme fatigue and weakness may also be symptoms of kidney cancer.
Diagnosis of kidney cancer
In diagnosing kidney cancer, a physical examination is first performed. In addition, urine tests and blood tests are performed. Especially high creatine levels in blood tests are important in terms of cancer risk. One of the diagnostic methods that provides the clearest result in the diagnosis of cancer is ultrasonography. In addition, the computed tomography method allows understanding the extent of the cancer and determining whether it has spread to other tissues.
kidney cancer treatment
The most effective method in the treatment of kidney disease is to remove all or part of the kidney through surgery. Apart from this treatment, radiotherapy and chemotherapy do not have much effect in the treatment of kidney cancer. As a result of the tests and examination, the surgical procedure to be performed on the kidney is determined. Removal of all kidney tissue by kidney surgery is called radical nephrectomy, and removal of a part of the kidney is called partial nephrectomy. The surgery can be performed as open surgery or laparoscopic surgery.